- f
- George Young
I went to Carmel this week for a master class by George Young. The week started off with a concert on Monday night. George played classical music for the first set and then jazz for the second.
Talking about his piece “For Diz” written for Dizzy Gillespie and somewhat based on ‘A Night in Tunisia’ he said that Dizzy Gillespie was in the audience one night when he played it and then came up to him after the show. Dizzy gave George a hug and a kiss on the cheek and called him a “greasy *&$# $*&@.” He didn’t understand this for a long time, but then was told many years later that it really was a great compliment.
Throughout the week I learned tons of things about the saxophone and playing music. Heard some more great stories too.
I’m a great fan of George Young. I wish he had put more records/CD’s out featuring himself. I’ve got most of his albums, but thirst for more. I talked to him twice on the phone and not only was he inspiring, but I took what he said to heart and it opened up a whole new world for me. I only wish I could chat with him again. He is the Greatest in my opinion. Thanks for you inspiration.
Greatest of all time in my opinion.