I would like to learn all there is to know about the sax.. whats the difference between my major and minor scale and what are they
Hey Lavert,
The major scale is 7 notes with a certain set of intervals between them.
If you played a C major scale on the piano, it’s the white notes traveling from C up an octave to the next C. C D E F G A B C
Between E and F and and B and C there are half steps.
So the pattern is W W H W W W H, where W = whole step and H = half step.
It’s the same pattern for all twelve major scales (one for each scale starting on each different note).
Minor scales are a bit more complicated, since there are three types- harmonic, natural, and melodic.
Master your major scales first. Then you can relate minor scales and many other types of scales to them.
What are the most important scales for me to learn first?
Hey Gary,
I would start with all 12 major scales. From there I would learn about the modes. Thanks