I drew a mummy playing saxophone today.
“I’m looking for help on playing the baritone sax….”
Neal Battaglia
Hello, I’m going to assume you play the saxophone!
What are you looking for on Sax Station?
Drake Trevitz
I’m looking for help on playing the baritone sax, I’ve played the alto sax for about 3 or 4 years and I’m gonna learn how to play baritone for concert and possibly marching season
Neal Battaglia
so you have tried playing bari yet or not?
Drake Trevitz
yea a little just trying to make a noise or something
Neal Battaglia
what’s your question?
Drake Trevitz
im wondering if you know of any good sites for lessons on how to play it or note sheet
Neal Battaglia
why do you think the bari is different than the alto?
Drake Trevitz
wait are the keys the same as alto?
Neal Battaglia
they’re exactly an octave apart
the keys for the tenor and soprano are also the same (but in a different key)
Drake Trevitz
so like on a alto saxophone it just has your standard b u play the same note on a bari ?
Neal Battaglia
Yes, if you’re playing the same thing
often the parts they play will be different
Drake Trevitz
well that is extremely helpful cause i thought i was going to have to learn how to play diff fingerings for the bari
Neal Battaglia
Drake Trevitz
well thank you so much
Neal Battaglia
if you have an ‘Eb’ real book for example, it works for either alto or bari
Drake Trevitz
okay thats even better
Neal Battaglia
bari/alto are in Eb, tenor/soprano are in Bb
Drake Trevitz
okay thats good to know
Witch Playing Saxophone (Drawing)
I drew a witch playing saxophone, last year I drew a skeleton. Might do a few more in the last days of October along these lines.
“How do I know if my note is in tune?”
There are a few ways to figure out if you’re in tune on the saxophone.
You can either tune it with another instrument or use a tuner.
To tune with another instrument, you play the same note as another person playing the other instrument. The piano can be a good choice. Basically, the piano should be in tune and even if it’s not, if you’re going to be playing with the piano, you want to be in tune with it.
You’ll hear something called ‘beats’ if the instruments are out of tune
You can also use a tuner, in that case you read what the tuner outputs, how flat or sharp you are.
You can use a smart phone app for tuning.
You can also use a recording that you know is in tune to play with and listen to whether your note seems in tune. In that case, you probably want to figure out a note that is in the key and see if it seems to fit with the music or seems dissonant.
In Mark Salzman’s book ‘Iron and Silk’, I read about how he tuned a piano using a cassette of Michael Jackson’s music.
Tuning the saxophone
If you play one note in tune, it does not necessarily mean all your notes will be in tune on saxophone, but it is a start.
You basically pull the mouthpiece out on the cork or push it on farther to make adjustments.
How to play the pink panther
I was asked about how to find one video lesson, but you can use the search bar to find others as well.
Neal Battaglia
Hello, I’m going to assume you play the saxophone!
What are you looking for on Sax Station?
how to play the pink panther XD
Neal Battaglia
alto or tenor?
Neal Battaglia
do you see the search bar in the upper corner?
not yet let me check
Neal Battaglia
upper right
type pink panther there
should come up
(video lesson)
thank you , I found it
“how to learn the notes (on saxophone)”
Name: Carter
Neal Battaglia
Hello, I’m going to assume you play the saxophone!
What are you looking for on Sax Station?
how to learn the notes
Neal Battaglia
how many notes can you play now?
Neal Battaglia
what are they?
B,A,and D
Neal Battaglia
so you probably want to expand up and down from there
Neal Battaglia
did you watch the mid range video?
about to
There’s a video on the fingering chart page with the midrange, that’s a good place to start.
Woodwind Brasswind Brand Tenor Sax?
Neal Battaglia
Hi Jeff
Hi, a friend of mine passed away and his aunt just gave me his tenor. Apparently he had a Mark VI but it was stolen and he bought this horn before he got sick. It’s called “The Woodwinds” brand. Through a few friends I’ve been able to determine the it’s brand offered at one time by Woodwind Brasswind and it was probably made either in Taiwan or China.
Any idea what it might be worth? Based on the weight and the action of the keys it doesn’t feel like most Chinese horns that I’ve seen. I haven’t had a chance to play it because my mouthpiece and reeds are at home.
It also had a Dukoff M8* super power chamber Miami and a Keilwerth 6* mouthpiece. I’d appreciate any info you can give me. Thanks!
Neal Battaglia
probably playing it is the best way to have a better idea if you’re a saxophone player
I would check ebay to see if there are similar horns too
I played it last night and it’s not bad. Weight and action of a pro horn. Not the tone of my VI. I just wasn’t familiar with the brand.
Neal Battaglia
what would you pay for it?
$1K probably based on the way it plays. Much better than the Bundy II that my youngest son is playing. Probably going to let him use it.
Neal Battaglia
possible you could get that, but I would imagine a little less if you sold it
any more information written on it?
No, other than a serial number. Someone told me that they thought woodwind brasswind co had them made but I’ve not been able to find any info but this site is a 1st stop.
Neal Battaglia
Sax on the Web often has some discussion about more rare horns
I’ve gone to NAMM a few times and have played a number of horns but haven’t played one of those before
seems like ~800 was the price in 2009
Cool. Thanks for the info. Have a great day!
Sax Solo with La Yerba Ruda in Gonzales
We played in Gonzales this last Sunday for a church festival.
Thanks to everyone who came out! And especially to German Blanco for taking this video.
“How many tunes to learn…I know over 20 so far”
How many tunes to learn…I know over 20 so far
(Playing tenor, 50 years. .off and on)
-Raymond (UK)
My response:
Do you play in bands?
How many tunes you should know depends on what you do with them.
If you need to memorize tunes to play with certain bands, then that’s probably what you should do. If it’s just for fun on your own, it’s your call. Probably more interesting to learn more tunes in that case.
If you go to jam sessions and they call tunes, then it’s good to know some of them. Etc.
Kamasi Washington on Saxophone at the Monterey Jazz Festival, Drawing
Enjoyed seeing Kamasi Washington for the first time at the Monterey Jazz Festival on Sunday afternoon!
Inchworm on Tenor Saxophone, Played by Neal
Composed by Frank Loesser,
Inchworm is in three, I give the first note for tenor and alto and the first interval in the video.
Try playing it!