Protected: Saxophone Fingering Chart – E Above the Staff
Protected: Saxophone Fingering Chart – Eb or D# Above the Staff
Protected: Saxophone Fingering Chart – D Above the Staff
Protected: Saxophone Fingering Chart – C# or Db Above the Staff
Protected: Saxophone Fingering Chart – C Above the Staff
Protected: Saxophone Fingering Chart – Bb or A# Above the Staff
Protected: Saxophone Fingering Chart – B Above the Staff
Protected: Saxophone Fingering Chart – A Above the Staff
Saxophone Fingering Chart – Ab or G# Above the Staff
Got a few possibilities here! But generally the regular one is fine.
Saxophone Note Durations – Beginning Saxophone
Here are the note values- in a graphic that shows the relationships.
So two half notes together are the value of a whole note.
Two quarter notes together are the length of a half note.