Was asked about saxophone altissimo a little while back. It turns out the person who asked the question was really talking about the higher notes, especially high F at the top of the normal range. If you’re unsure about what altissimo means or might not be absolutely sure, keep reading.
Can you tell me the easiest way to play the altissimo register? And some of the fingering for it?
-Edward stone
Which altissimo notes can you play right now?
Umm at the moment occasionally an F but It’s not stable nod I can’t hold it for long, and I can’t instantly get it.
How are D, Eb, and E?
And what do you understand the word altissimo to mean?
My D is ok, but Eb and E I can’t get to work, and it stands for ‘very high’ I believe so it’s a 3rd and 4th octave above the high notes on the alto?
The boundary between the high notes and altissimo is starting at F# an octave above the top of the staff.
It seems like you are having trouble with the high notes of the saxophone, Eb, E, F, and F#?
Oh ok that makes sense so altissimo starts at the F#?
Yeah I have issues with finding the fingering for the E, Eb, F there seem to be different fingering a for each of them and I’m never sure which to choose.
Usually there is a main fingering and an alternate fingering.
Have you looked at the fingering chart I put together?
It goes up to F#.
Oh right, thank you! Ill take a look, no I hadn’t seen it.
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