Check out Charles McNeal live if you get a chance! Great sax player.
I first heard about Charles from my teacher Kristen Strom, she was telling me about the work he put into his transcriptions. That process really evolved his playing. You can do the same.
I met him at the NAMM show, might seem him again there sometime. Unfortunately, haven’t made it to Jazz Camp West when he’s been there yet.
I wanted to show these two drawings side by side though. A bit over two years apart.
I got a bit of feedback in the year of classes I took drawing between those two days.
Practice and feedback can help you improve with anything. Including saxophone.
Sometimes it’s hard to notice your progress on saxophone. It can be very apparent in certain situations, but not always. And sometimes it’s harder to notice yourself. Can help a lot to get feedback from someone else.
If you would like to learn and get feedback from me, check out Saxophone Tribe.
I would like to buy a large print of Charles McNeil dated Dec. 24, 2016. Can you tell me what I must do to purchase one? In fact, there are at least six more prints that I’ve seen on Sax Station that I’d like to purchase. May I see an extensive selection to determine what I’d like to purchase. Thank you.