Q: I am frustrated by being able to hear the solo in my head, but not being able to translate it to the sax. I am decently nimble on my fingerings, and my articulation is fine, but I can’t figure how to improvise which I’m assuming is dependent upon each measure with accompaniment and the key of the song on a solo improv section. Definitely improv!
A: Hey Mike,
I know what you mean, it takes some time to be able to translate stuff to your sax. I would work on more Aebersolds.
And start transcribing if you’re not already.
Here are a few Saxophone Books
How much theory do you know?
Improvisation definitely is related to the chords you play with. Ideally, without accompaniment the listener should be able to hear what chords you have in your mind.
I can relate to that problem. When I was in college, I developed a sterling technique, but I didn’t have a clue how to apply it to improvisation. Picking up the Charlie Parker Omnibook and memorizing (underline that word, “memorizing”) a rhythm changes solo got me started in the right direction.
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