I appreciate your help with Sax Station.
Those who purchase lessons and also those that leave comments that are helpful. I understand that not everyone ready/able to purchase lessons.
Realize that if you have played saxophone, even just for one day, what you have to say can be helpful. If you have been playing saxophone for one day, you can help by saying what it was like. For someone who has never played before, the first day can be very confusing. A person may have no idea what they should sound like or how long it will take to sound better.
It’s like a third grader helping a second grader, you can be helpful if you are a few steps ahead of someone.
Here is a page with things you can do to help on Sax Station.
Saxophone Foundations:
Structure and feedback and two major elements of improving. Without feedback, it’s difficult to know how to proceed, it’s like driving blindfolded.
You cannot get better unless you develop the foundations of sax playing. I can teach you how to master these techniques.
That’s what the Saxophone Foundations Course is all about. Its a proven way to focus on the most important techniques that will make you a better player, sooner rather than later.
For people just starting with saxophone (if that doesn’t describe you and your abilities seem beyond the level of this class, that’s fine, you may have progressed beyond that point. Something like Saxophone Tribe (link below) might be more appropriate for where you are with the horn. But if you do need to work on fundamentals, I would highly recommend checking out the class.
This is what my students say about the course:
Alicia, said this about the Foundations course,
First of all, I have to say thank you for being a present and available teacher and not an invisible one . . . meaning, you just didn’t sell us the membership with the lessons but you also made yourself available to your students to answer their questions and give personal feedback and you stay in touch. That is tops in my book and I so much appreciate that. So, Thank you.
So stop waiting to get better, off you go, click here.
If you’re past the beginning stages (first two months of playing), check out Saxophone Tribe:
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