I don’t have a good reason. You probably don’t either.
If there’s a leak and you need to press hard, you should probably get your saxophone fixed.
Pressing with a lot of energy/pressure is sometimes done when you tense up or if there’s a tough section and you really want the notes to come out right.
The problem is, if you are pressing with a lot of pressure, most of that is excess.
To sound a note on a guitar, you need very little movement.
To sound a note on saxophone, you can use even less. The sound doesn’t come from pushing the keys, it comes from your airstream.
Pressing too hard isn’t good for your hands either, just like tensing your shoulders. Playing saxophone should give you as little pain as possible!
So be aware of the pressure of your fingers. Back off if you need to. A lighter touch will let you play faster and with less problems. Pretty directly, it will make you sound better.
Try it!
Let me know how it goes.
I think it is so cool that you are so passionate about the saxophone. Do you have videos? You should post em’! I would love to see you in
Hey Shenee,
Thanks for stopping by.
I posted a few videos playing on here, one’s in the sidebar.
And there are a few more on http://www.youtube.com/nealien
Going to be putting up more soon.
Thanks Neal.
I have been playing just over a month. I play around 3 hours a day. I have noticed my thumb on my right hand has been very sore. I don’t think I’m pressing too hard, but maybe? The thumb was also turned into the rest too much. I feel like I’m just starting to walk and it will take some time before I can run a 10K race!! Thanks for the help in your web-site for newbie’s like me. I might get a different neck strap also. But I will pay more attention to the pressure on the keys.
Keep rocking Neal!!
Hey Tim,
You’re practicing a lot! That’s cool, hope all the time is paying off in a very noticeable way.
For your right hand thumb being sore….. that’s the only finger that doesn’t press anything. It sounds like you may be holding the saxophone up more than necessary with the thumb. Try adjusting your neckstrap so that less of the weight is on your thumb. The right thumb really isn’t something that should get sore when you play saxophone. On clarinet it’s a different story.