Saxophone Practice Challenge
Where to Go from Here
Practicing saxophone every day feels good and being consistent will make you sound better.
If you’re very sick or are going to hurt yourself, take a break, but most days you ought to practice your sax.
Hopefully this practice challenge has given you some new ways to think about practicing.
Thinking in terms of the elements of music provides a ton of different pieces to work on and practicing less material in a session will help you really master what you want to play on saxophone.
I’ll keep the challenge up for the next week or so, so go back and check them out if you missed any.
Tip – Look over what you have practiced for the last month and figure out what helped you the most.
Mindset Lesson–:
Thirty days is enough time to notice some improvement if you focused your practice time. You might have learned a certain number of new songs, gotten up to tempo on others, learned how to use some alternate fingerings effectively, improved your intonation on a problem note, etc.
Hi Neal
I think your Sax Challenge contained a lot of information and encouragement but some content might be too basic for some subscribers and other bits too advanced for those still grappling with fingering. Your constant invitations to subscribe to one class or another became a little irritating (Yes, I know, you have a business to run!)
I enjoyed your enthusiasm and friendly /kindly approach to those players with difficulties. You offered a sustained prompt to continued improvement but personally I did not want to worry about all 12 keys and the circle of fifths/fourths at this stage. When I am pleased with my sound control and its quality – then is the time for that!
I have been struggling to improve my tone for some time now and your stressing its importance feels like the main lesson from the challenge. I find getting a decent sound requires so much concentration that it is hard to keep rhythm, breathe properly and try to inject some personality at the same time. I will continue with ballads and long tones and send in an MP3 for your suggestions. Thanks for the leg-up Neal.
Best wishes