Hi, like your site. I am learning your “blues saxophone line-alto sax”.
I want to play around with it and expand on it. I would like to play it against a backing 12 bar blues.
What key would work best? Also what scale is that riff built from? Thanks!!
Do you know any of the blues scales?
Yes, i am learning the Gmin pentatonic.
I like your ” blues line for alto” and like ” jamming” with it and expanding it, but would like to play with a blues backing.
What would be the right key for that riff?
Also, what key is that riff in?
Thanks. Learning a lot
Minor pentatonic is similar to the blues scale, but there is one less note.
The ‘blues scale’ and licks will work over many changes. But better over some changes.
Best thing to do would be to try it in different situations.
But you can also just look at which notes seem to be emphasized the most. Which notes in the lick would you say are the most emphasized?
Also, you asked two questions,
What would be the right key for that riff? Also, what key is that riff in?
What is the difference between those two questions? (to you)
Thanks. I think your riff uses the A blues scale ( an added 5th flat note to the minor pentatonic).
But it does not seem to ” go” easily to an A maj blues.
I will try it with an A min blues and see how it goes.
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