Gato Barbieri
What kind of sax does Gato Barbieri play?
Instrument | Mouthpiece | Reed |
Selmer Mark VI Tenor Saxophone | Berg Larsen Metal 105 – short facing tenor moutpiece | Rico 1 ½ |
I love the sound of Gato Barbieri- he lets loose some crazy passion out of his saxophone. He both plays sax and composes.
His music from Last Tango In Paris was nominated for a Grammy. Her’s another video with Gato Barbieri:
Here Gato Barbieri plays with Carlos Santana
My biggest tenor saxophone artis idol since I first took a sax in 1980. Out of frustration, I left the sax efforts alone until 2019 at the time of the COVID19 pandemic when I started playing sax again but this time I made it an ambitionist habit. Now I am able to pla My favorite sax song “Europa” on my Mark IV.
Cool, glad to hear that.
I talked to someone who worked for him and they said he used La Voz reeds.
President of the fan club El Pampura I believe.
Thanks for sharing Daniel