Getting the high notes, i.e. in the upper part of the second octave and into the third octave
4 weeks, 7 days a week
Do you not know where to put your fingers for the higher notes?
What is your question?
Be more specific, thanks
Good morning, Neal
Thank you for your reply, and for tackling my question.
I know where to put my fingers to play the notes (I have used your fingering video and several fingering charts in tutor books) but I can’t achieve the embouchure to sound the notes. I usually manage A and B in the upper octave but C comes out squeaky (if at all) and I cannot get D, E and F.
I hope that is specific enough.
Kind regards
Keep practicing everyday, play the notes below them and transition to the notes that are harder for you.
It can take some time to get the full range of the saxophone. You have only played four weeks, but you should get them before too long with consistent practice and focus on those those in particular.
Thanks, Neal
I eventually got the low notes by approaching from above, so let’s hope a similar method will work upwards too!
You could put me on your list for the intermediate class.
All right, I did.
I bought a soprano sax 6 months ago and I can tell you I had the same problem getting the high notes d,e,f, so I changed my mouth piece I bought a Vandoren V 16 S7. that got me to the high notes but not all the time, then I bought a different liguture and that did the trick. I tried Vandoren 2, 2.5 and 3 also Rico 2, 2.5 I found that the Rico reeds are easier to play than the Vandoren reeds. The Vandoren reeds take more air to play I’m 64 years old and picked up the sax 3 years ago hadn’t played since high school and now play at church.