Here are some chords you can play as arpeggios (chord notes separately) on sax. The note that stays the same is the root- the root defines the name of the chord. The fifth doesn’t change for all of them. The third and seventh define the sound of the chord.
- Major Root, 3rd, 5th
- Major 7th Root, 3rd, 5th, major 7th
- Dominant 7th Root, 3rd, 5th, minor 7th
- Minor Root, minor 3rd, 5th
- Minor 7th Root, minor 3rd, 5th, minor 7th
- Diminished Root, minor 3rd, diminished 5th,
- Diminished 7th Root, minor 3rd, diminished 5th, minor 7
- Augmented Root, 3rd, augmented 5th
- Augmented 7th Root, 3rd, augmented 5th, major 7
Good info, very handy.
This is how you show major and diminished chord:
Major Root, 3rd, 5th
Diminished Root, 3rd, 5th,
Hey Richard,
Thanks, fixed that. Must have overlooked it as I wrote the post.
I just bought a sax and i dont even know the names and function of those things that we press with the finger. Would you help me with the labelled diagram of a saxophone and functions of its parts?
You could start with this post,
Hi neal..i have been playing sax for six years and listen by ear..i play what i hear from great sax legends..and is it possible to have many mentor apart from one.and also about the scales and articulation trying to get it from those i listen dificult to play like i can play them bt their accent.what can i do?
Yep, you probably want to learn from a lot of players. I don’t understand quite what you’re saying about the accents on licks.
Hello neal..i mean the way they improvise on their often hard for me to pick their solos..what can i do?
What sorts of things are you trying to learn? I would start with things that are slower, more melodic, and more ‘inside’ the changes. As you progress with those, you’ll be able to pick up music that is more complex faster. So, I wouldn’t start with Charlie Parker’s solo on Cherokee at tempo as the first thing to learn by ear or transcribe.
Hi neal..
Pls cn u pls tell me aw to listen by ear
Start with music that isn’t too complicated and take it a piece at a time.
Please can you still help me on how to improvise
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