Alan Darcy on Tenor Saxophone (Drawing)
NAMM 2017, Pink Panther on Ukulele and Not-Saxophones at NAMM
This video is most of the other things I saw at NAMM besides saxophone. A few saxophones snuck in. Starts downstairs with the Pink Panther!
NAMM 2017 Other Saxophones Video (besides Soprano)
This video focuses on saxophones besides the soprano. Another video is about sopranos and a third is about other things.
Year of the Rooster on Saxophone (drawing)
Rooster playing saxophone!
Tommy Weeks on Sax (Drawing)
Tommy Weeks plays with the Funky Dawgz, New Orleans style, among other groups. He performed at NAMM. Talked to him for a minute with Brian Landau.
Roxy Coss Drawing, Sax Player
Let me know if you’re interested in hiring me to draw you and/or if you want to buy drawings on shirts or as prints.
Trying Soprano Saxophones at NAMM 2017
How Reed # Affects Playing Notes Softly on Saxophone
City of Stars (La La Land) On Tenor Sax – Neal on Saxophone
Playing Your First Three Notes on the Saxophone, Mid Range