Neal Bebop Chorus on Tenor Sax Over ‘I Love You’ Changes
Check out the class on chord changes including a sample video lesson
Sax Station Interview with Paul the Trombonist
Saxophone Riff #4 Blues Line
From Derrick Big Walker. Let me know how it goes and if you want to learn more blues lines for saxophone.
Charles McNeal, Round 2 (saxophone player drawing)
Check out Charles McNeal live if you get a chance! Great sax player.
I first heard about Charles from my teacher Kristen Strom, she was telling me about the work he put into his transcriptions. That process really evolved his playing. You can do the same.
I met him at the NAMM show, might seem him again there sometime. Unfortunately, haven’t made it to Jazz Camp West when he’s been there yet.
I wanted to show these two drawings side by side though. A bit over two years apart.
I got a bit of feedback in the year of classes I took drawing between those two days.
Practice and feedback can help you improve with anything. Including saxophone.
Sometimes it’s hard to notice your progress on saxophone. It can be very apparent in certain situations, but not always. And sometimes it’s harder to notice yourself. Can help a lot to get feedback from someone else.
If you would like to learn and get feedback from me, check out Saxophone Tribe.
“Trying to find information on the Allora Vienna Altos.” (saxophones)
Trying to find information on the Allora Vienna Altos. Any opinion?
Neal Battaglia
I haven’t played one
you’re thinking of getting one?
Looking for my high school son. He is ready for an intermediate/pro but pro is too expensive. Just saw the Allora new at $799. Thinking it might not be great.
Neal Battaglia
I probably wouldn’t buy it
you might want to get a used horn, could be better quality
Yes, we have been looking at those as well. YAS-52 and YAS 475 for $1000-$1200 .
Neal Battaglia
that sounds like a better option
Well I appreciate your advice.
Neal Battaglia
Do you have a website that you trust for used horns?
Neal Battaglia
I have a guy locally
In Cali?
Neal Battaglia
I’m in Florida!
Are they online/
Neal Battaglia
Thanks anyway and thanks again for the advice on the Allora.
“I need to get a new mouth piece for my Cannonball Stone Series Bari Sax. Where do I start?”
I need to get a new mouth piece for my Cannonball Stone Series Bari Sax. Where do I start?
I’m 43 and I have been playing since I was in 5th grade. There was about a 10 year gap where I didn’t play… in my 20’s.
What mouthpiece are you using now?
I’m using the stock mouthpiece that came with the Cannonball that I bought two years ago.
It has been ok… but it’s getting a little worn.
I have done a little studying and think I would like to try a JodyJazz Jet for baritone. I’m not sure which facing to get. I have been told I tend to have a tight embouchure. I guess I don’t switch well from alto to bari. lol
I’ve been working on trying to keep it a bit looser when playing the bari and when practicing. I just get so worried about my pitch!
Anyway… how do I decide which facing to get?
You probably want a medium facing. I would say the main variable is the tip opening.
So, an 8, which is right in the middle of what they offer would be good?
Thank you so much Neal.
I tend to play 8/9. That’s a fairly wide tip opening. Just because it’s a number in the middle of what they offer does not mean it’s standard/typical/easy to play. Though it might be right for you.
You might be more comfortable with a 6 or 7. (but I don’t know necessarily)
What you might want to do is try a few tip openings.

Garfield Playing Saxophone! (drawing)
Copied the character of Jim Davis and had him play saxophone!
“Plz can anyone tell me how to play sharps and flats in the tenor sax?”
Yes, check out a chromatic fingering chart for saxophone.
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Saxophone Riff #3 ii V I in C Major
“I am struggling to play very soft notes” (on saxophone)
Hi I’m looking for inspiration as I am struggling to play very soft notes .
Neal Battaglia
how long have you been playing?
only one year
Neal Battaglia
can you play some notes soft?
I do struggle with all , I’m using a basic Odessy alto sax . I find that when I use a 3 reed I can do it better but I’m not strong enough to play with a 3 just yet.
Neal Battaglia
I would say you might want a softer reed
you haven’t been playing very long
do you practice every day?
I use a 2 but can only get the soft notes with a 3 well ,I am just getting back after illness but I do practice every other day.
Neal Battaglia
it should be easier to play notes with a softer reed
the reed number is not the definite indicator of how hard it is
but it describes it somewhat, reeds are inconsistent in their strength
I found that with this sax lower number reeds don’t sound very good and it plays best with a 2 and even better with a 3
Neal Battaglia
maybe try a 2.5
That’s what I going to get tomorrow ,its quite hard in the sticks to get them. It just seemed strange to me that I could get a soft sound with a 3 but struggled with a 2 any thing below that and its hard to get a constently good sound through the range.
Neal Battaglia
yeah, you probably don’t want to play below a 2
now anyway
Is there any benefit of trying different mouthpieces , ie the amount of air passing trough wide vers small opening ?
Neal Battaglia
depends on your preference
it could be good for you to try a few things if you haven’t before
I play on a fairly wide opening (Otto Link Metal 8)
Ok Neal thank you … ill have to buy some second hand ones to try because I would have to travel 3 or more hours to get to a good shop .
Neal Battaglia
you might want to order things
that’s how I got my current mouthpiece
and how I usually get reeds
amazon/woodwind and brasswind
Thanks for your help Neal …Ill get back to you after I have had a chance to try all this .
Neal Battaglia
all right, good luck